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telegenic-telegenic 翻译


首次上镜,可以是debut 试镜的上镜,可以是audition 一般泛泛而言,可以是onscreen或onscreen,也可以是appearing。

telegenic-telegenic 翻译

telephone 电话,telegram 电视节目,television 电视机。

telegenic-telegenic 翻译

2007年,被选为日本telegenic2008年,成为时尚杂志Ray的专属模特4月开始成为富士电视台MezamashiTV中MOTTO现在突击!的单元中播报员电视剧作品梦和雨之后2005年4月15日 6月17日朝日台一升的。

Bear got talented in communication, he is good at giving a speech and also ridiculously telegenic That makes him one of the most successful and youngest inspring speakers in the world He has become a。

One of my old college buddies has posted a videotrailerfor an upcoming online program, and she looksphenomenal, polished,charismaticI’m still in bed,blearyeyed, and definitely not at my mosttelegenic每天早晨,我的。


We fell under Sedona#39s spell, too, and while debating our No 1 spot kept returning to it for the same reasons Hollywood does The area#39s telegenic canyons, windshaped buttes and dramatic sandstone towers embody。

As a young and telegenic Shadow Cabinet member, Blair was given prominence by the party#39s Director of Communications, Peter Mandelson He gave his first major platform speech at the 1990 Labour Party conferenceIn the。

签约新加坡国家电视台,代表作东游记饰韩湘子 2001年与原东家约满后,签约上海和展影视公司,正式以“常铖”的名字在电视剧半生缘中饰演许叔惠 Moments of Glory 获奖时间和情况 Most Telegenic Award in。



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