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1、quotYou see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles Do you understand this? And radio operates exactly the same way;Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 transmitted the human voice over a wire, although it was several decades before the telephone became popular At the end of the century the wireless telegraph became a standard safety device;常见的通信方式是邮递电话传真卫星电话电报数据通信等理论上,全双工传输可以提高网络效率,但是实际上仍是配合其他相关设备才有用例如必须选用双绞线的网络缆线才可以全双工传输,而且中间所接的集线器HUB;make payment 是支付的意思,in full 是全部 全额的意思 Wire transfer ,TT 都是电汇的意思 一个是指wire transfer,另一个是指telegraph transfer,英式和美式的说法 bill of lading 是提货单 payment will be made i;连接线 您要查找的是不是Connect wire to pressure differential switch连线至差速压力开关A farmer is climbing a telegraph pole to connect wires宁夏同心暮色中,一个农民汉子爬上电线杆接驳电线These here are。


2、都是电汇的意思,美国人习惯说WIRE TRANSFER,而在英国普遍说TT1电汇TT,指汇出行应汇款人的申请,采取电报或SWIFT形式给汇入行指示向收款人解付一定金额资金2国际货款结算的基本方式有三种,即信用证汇付;托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生1847年2月11日1931年10月18日,出生于美国俄亥俄州米兰镇,美国发明家企业家Thomas Alva Edison February 11, 1847 October 18, 1931, was born in Milan, Ohio, USA, an;The Menlo Park research lab was made possible by the sale of the quadruplex telegraph that Edison invented in 1874, which could send four simultaneous telegraph signals over the same wire When Edison asked Western Union;贝尔从来没有打算发明电话和他试图设计是一种多个电报这一最初的电报发送一个消息传输距离使用莫尔斯代码一系列的点了沿着一条线在一个特定的顺序但只有一个消息可以在一个时间贝尔希望改善它,这样就可以发送一些消息。

3、The telegraph and telephone are both wirebased electrical systems, and Alexander Graham Bell#39s success with the telephone came as a direct result of his attempts to improve the telegraphWhen Bell began;TT 是 Telegraph Transfer = 电汇 那是说 提前事先以电汇方法汇款过帐 这个正解,不过都是献给30%定金的不过你可以要求货好7天前给70%的余额这个是比较简单的,也是比较省钱省力的付款方式有一定风险比如客户破产;Wire transfer , TT 都是电汇的意思 一个是指wire transfer,另一个是指telegraph transfer,英式和美式的说法 bill of lading 是提货单 payment will be made in full by TT Wire Transfer within 65 days of。

4、那个whose是railroads的从句,whose routes指railroads#39 route,后面就是个倒装,语序一变就是the wires often followed railroads#39 route宾语often大致等同于sometimes所以得到推断的那个意思;1He thought the best of music was in single strains and he found poetic suggestion in the humming of the telegraphwire他认为最好的音乐都是单一的,从风中鸣唱的电线那里他都能找到诗意的启示2Or partne。




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