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1、pocket money 零用钱 双语例句 1The boy then said, “So, do you think I could use the hundred dollars I saved up with my pocket money to give dad and make him play with me?然后那个男孩说“那么,如果我把节省下来的零用钱都送给爸爸,你认为他就可以陪我一起玩吗”2She no。

2、pocket money 英#39p#594k#618t #39m#652n#618美#712pɑk#618t #712m#652nin零用钱例句1I#39ve arranged for her to earn pocket money helping a friend with her business我安排她给我的一位朋友打打下手,赚点零花钱2How much pocket money。

3、不可数,pocket money,不要简单理解为“口袋里的钱”,其实是“零花钱”Your son gets much too much pocket money你儿子的零花钱太多了英语中另一个表示“零花钱”的词语是allowance如My weekly allowance is $50我每周的零花钱是50美元be in someone#39s pocket,不要简单地理解为。


4、pocketmoney翻译是零用钱,pocketmoney是一个组合词,由pocket袋子和money钱组合而成影视原声Much like a child getting his pocket money, one of the biggest economic questions is still whether it#39s better to save or spend就像是个刚拿到零用钱的小孩一样,经济学有个很大的问题就是不知道。


5、pocket money可数,money多用作不可数名词,指多种货币时也可用作可数名词,其复数形式为moneys pocket money 意思是零花钱 扩展资料 He saved up his pocket money in order to buy a gift他把零用钱积聚起来,想买件礼物Dad threatened to stop 1 a week from our pocket money if。

6、get pocket money是得到零花钱的意思get的意思名词生殖,幼兽不及物动词成为,变得,到达及物动词 使得,获得,受到,变成pocket 的意思名词 口袋,钱,容器形容词小型的,袖珍的,金钱上的及物动词 隐藏,忍受,将放入衣袋不及物动词 形成袋或囊money的意思。

7、短语 pocket money 会计 零用钱 零花钱 给小孩零用钱的利与弊 两条牛仔龙 pocket watch怀表 表袋 一种适于装在衣袋里随身携时的表 袋表 HIP POCKET 后袋 自己赛跑 Pocket PC 掌上电脑 口袋电脑 随身电脑 词语用法pocket的基本意思是“袋,口袋”,指衣服上用来装。



10、money多用作不可数名词,指多种货币时也可用作可数名词,其复数形式为moneys,此时多用于指特种钱币或数额较大的钱或用于法律用语名词从数形数念角度又可分为可数不可数 一般来说类名词和集体名词是可数的,物质抽象专有为不可数还有“零念”,如on foot前没有定不定冠词后没有复数s。

11、pocket money是零用钱,那extra money又是什么意思pocket money,不一定是零用钱要看上下文一般来讲多指“自己掏腰包,自己出钱”If you ask extra money, that will cost my pocket money还要额外收费的话,我只好自己掏腰包了If you have extra money, you can invest in real。

12、get pocket money 收到红包得到零花钱拿压岁钱 例句 1In Western countries, many children do chores to get pocket money Theyusually start to do this at the age of 10在西方国家,许多孩子做家务得到零花钱,他们通常在10岁开始做这个2Besides, I can get pocket money from。

13、Title How to Spend Our Pocket Money As students, we often receive pocket money from our parents or earn it ourselves However, it’s important to spend our money wisely First, we should make a budget plan to ensure that we don’t waste money on unnecessary things Second, we should。

14、remarkable,for the three factorsThe first reason which is the centralest promblem that your children may have bad habits,such as amourpropre You may wonder why he become cheeseparing The second factor is they haven#39t got enough pocket moneyDid you notice most of the children。

15、关于money可数吗如下money是不可数名词,但是在指多种货币时也可用作可数名词其复数形式moneys仅用于指特种钱币或数额较大的钱,或用于法律用语短语搭配 fiat money法定货币法定通货无锚货币 pocket money零花钱给小孩零用钱的利与弊两条牛仔龙 make money赚钱挣钱发财致富赢利。

16、句意我用零花钱买了书注意1本句话正确表达原句有拼写错误I paid for my books with my pocket money2短语pay for,“为付款”pocket money,“零花钱”希望对你有帮助哦。



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