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stereotypical、Stereotypical pattern


这个单词可不是指安装者,而是指“装逼者”比如,你若想说某人“真会装”,可以这样表达You#39re really a poser!你真是在卖弄呢2 Show off 这个词组是“炫耀”的意思,用它来批评某人过分显摆比如There#39s no need to show off, just be genuine!别太刻意炫耀,真实点3 Camp S。

属于可数英音 #39sti_ri_taip 美音#39sti_ri_taip 可数名词1 模式化的形象思想人物等,老一套2 铅版词形变化形容词 stereotypic,stereotypical副词 stereotypically名称 stereotyper时态 stereotyped,stereotyping,stereotypes。

第一步,审题看清楚题目要求的是什么比如以下题目 Analyse an advertisement that portrays a stereotypical representation of your choice ie gender, age, race from any part of the world在这个essay中,我们需要知道题目的重点是stereotypical representation in advertisement通过这个重点。

定型stereotypical bias 记忆由于定型而进行扭曲,比如由于种族或者性别 附加效应suffix effect 如果另一段内容添加到需记忆内容的最后处,记忆内容的最后处记忆效果将会变弱这也被称为近因效应的稀释dilution 例如,你想记住一串数字1,5,7,9,15,那么记忆最深刻的就是1,15然而,当把数字20添加到。

~~~纯人手翻译,欢迎采纳~~~原文如下Let’s challenge the stereotypical ‘gifted and talented’ student to explore beyond her natural skills At the same time, let’s help the academicallystruggling student to discover her special talents, and to recognize that her version of ‘smar。

Michele says, #39I hear myself saying things that the stereotypical husband says, and he replies with the stereotypical wife response All of this puts immense pressure on our marriage#39 米歇尔说,“我听见自己在说着那些典型的丈夫们说的话,而他的回答也是典型的妻子们的回答所有这些都让我们的婚姻。

stereotypical、Stereotypical pattern

没印象 49 Shit hit the fan 麻烦大了,有大麻烦了,事情变糟糕了 50 You’re so nosy 你真爱管闲事Mind your own business 管好你自己的事 51 stereotypical views of sth 模式化印象,刻板印象 eg It’s far cry from the stereotypical views of libraries as stale and silent spaces。

The hypothalamus appears to be involved in this inborn reaction pattern electrical stimulation of part of the hypothalamus triggers stereotypical aggressive behaviors in many animals In people, however, whose brains are more complex, other brain structures apparently moderate possible instinctsAn。

stereotypical、Stereotypical pattern

Some people may say that scenario represents stereotypical gender roles, but we both work fulltime and have responsibilities at home, so it seems fair to me2找到他or她身上的“阴性”特质来与你的“阳性特质”互补 上面那些共同点的确十分重要,但是我们也希望当你们脆弱无助的时候身边的人是。

救世主青姑娘stereotypical treehugging, savetheworld greenie正如你可能想像的那样, 这句话不是从一个刻板的拥抱, 救世主的小青, 而是从That statement comes not, as you might imagine, from a stereotypical treehugging, savetheworld greenie, but from望采纳。



10 During the late 16th and early 17th centuries, the connection between witches and brooms became a focus of attention Paintings from this time depict witches flying on brooms in a stereotypical manner, with the broom handle facing up and the bristles facing down11 In the。

1你怎样看待奢侈品行业 1 what do you think about the luxury products?我认为奢侈品是一种超出人们生存与发展需要范围的,具有独特稀缺珍奇等特点的消费品,但是对于大多数人来说,奢侈品可能永远是一个梦,也正因此,它更加激起人们追逐的欲望,在生活中,奢侈品享有很特殊的市场和地位,它。

You may think that you dont know any bossa nova songs, but you almost certainly have heard a version of the “The Girl From Ipanema” Its a great bossa nova song, but its also the stereotypical example of “elevator music”你可能认为自己不知道任何巴萨诺瓦的歌曲,但大部分人。

for person by freshsuccinct feeling, But because purple and yellow matching, also causesthe overall picture not to be able to appear old mannish and isstereotypicalIn layout, we focus on practical comparison, the visual centers in the web of regional words and pictures by combining。



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