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[telegraphs翻译]view in telegram翻译


电报机,信号机 , 例句 ,Send the message on the telegraph,将这个消息用电报机发出, 例句 ,In this way, telegraph operators could tran *** it and receive letters that spelled words,这样,电报机。

immediately他们拍电报叫我们立即离开电汇电购 He telegraphed money to his son他将钱电汇给他儿子流露出 There’s a look about him that telegraphed bad news他那副样子流露出坏消息你打错了。

[telegraphs翻译]view in telegram翻译

英语很简单又直白,Telegraph marketing mail 翻译成电报行销邮件,通常叫邮件网路行销手法。




Q9 deprived of the financial means to remain independent , thomas edison was pelled to seek employment as a night telegraph operator 请翻译这句话参考书上的翻译是为了保持独立的经济来源,爱迪生不得不去。

[telegraphs翻译]view in telegram翻译


Morse gave the first human history telegram quot God created a miracle how! quotgive 读音英 ɡ#618v 美 ɡ#618vv给交给赠送赠与送给为某人提供,供给,供应 n伸展性弹性 第三。

telephone 电话,telegram 电视节目,television 电视机。

拿软件设计公司ELEKS来举例,他们已经开发出用Apple Watch 来启动 特斯拉 S型轿车的软件了软件甚至能让用户用Apple Watch来开关车门在 The Telegraph 报社的采访中,Cook还提到了Apple Watch其他的一些有意思的功能他说。

Telephone, television, radio, telegraph and the Internet all help people communicate with each other As a result, ideas and news of events spread quickly all over the world For example, within seconds。

quadruplex telegraph quadruplex,电信通信术语,四路多工的,指在同一线路中传输四重信号的 参考资料有道词典。

often appear both communication party violate the cooperative principle of a certain criteria, resulting in the speaker#39s subjective intentions and objective effects or the listener#39s understanding of inconsistency, re。

1 Along the corridor, Administration2 The commissioner’s all right3 AOSC Administrative Telegraph and Telephone Conference4 He’s in the executive building5 i’m just an administrative。



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