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可预见的英文是Predictable一读音 pr#618#712d#618kt#601bl二释义 adj可预言的可预测的可预报的可预料的意料之中的老套乏味的可以预见三同义词 forseeable英语单词,主要用作。

predict 及物动词,预测,也可以带宾语从句比如Nobody could predict the outcome无人能预测结果She predicted that the election would be close她预测竞选快开始了。

一表达意思不同 1predictiveadj 预言性的成为前兆的 2predictableadj 可预言的n可断定的人或事物二词性不同 1predictive通常用作形容词2predictable既可以作形容词,也可以作名词。

predicable,adj是形容词,意思为 可断定的, 可断言的 当名词讲是 可断定的人或事物, 属性, 宾位语predictable a可预知的,平庸的例句I knew you#39d say that you#39re so predictable!我早就知道你会这样说。


歌手Korn 专辑Neidermeyers Mind Predictable Go!I can, in every way Mistake the pain I feel inside It comes to me Evil thoughts is creeping through my mind Who are you to say that I can#39t speak what。

Bpredictable Ccomplex Dvaluable 在做词汇题时,如果我们认识这个词,就可以浏览选项,直接选出它的同义词,再把答案带入原文,看是否合适,这样做不仅快速并且保证正确率如果这个单词我们不认识,亦或是不确定它的意思。

mediocrity banality commonplace 参考例句A shabby performance平庸的表演The condition or quality of being banaltriviality平庸,陈腐平庸陈腐的状况或性质琐事He has a bland appearance他外表平庸I hate predictable。

as long as the plaintiff can prove the economic loss is predictable, as well as their economic losses and the defendant#39s negligence has a proximity, and the plaintiff can obtain from the defendant for compen。

Do do do do do do do Uh huh 嗯哼 Tell me who do you think you see 告诉我你以为你看到的是谁 You’re standing in your corner looking out on me 你正站在你那边看我 You think I#39m so predictable 你。

更新1 你冇答到why A is most predictable event?PD= 080 me it has 80% chance event D will occuris 34 chance PA=015 me it has only 15% chance occurso least likely 06。

You think I’m so predictable Just read my mind and you would know That you’re running out of time So you’d better get, get, get, get it right You wouldn’t know what to do with your life If。

bim的中文翻译是建筑信息化模型BIM,英文全称是Building Information Modeling词汇分析释义建筑信息化模型。

pcmm即为人力资本成熟度模型十大标准为1在一个成熟组织内,专业人员能力与组织的经营绩效密切相关 2人力资源能力是竞争力基础和企业战略优势的源泉 3人力资源能力必须与企业战略目标一致 4知识密集型工作的重心已。

but in the same time it is so promising that is still essential to the world today and will be indispensible within the predictable future Despite its chronic and systematic development, it is still believed。


pretend to be You say that you thought of me Ooo, oo, oo, oo And take somethin#39 out of me So, oo, oow Predictable why do i have to see this to why do i have to take this is this something i。

范文A film that simply talks about psychotherapy, unlike most other films, which only use psychotherapy as background or embellishment Leading by characters, it is a perfect successful case of helping others。

相关单词学习long for 英l#596#331 f#596 美l#596#331 f#596r词典 渴望, 羡慕 憧憬 想望 思例句Senior citizens long for a more predictable and secure future。

Rather than introducing the desired control, monetary incentives lead only to predictable increases in market coverage and an equally predictable loss of control All viral marketing initiatives share the goal of turning。



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