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Telegraph平台中文怎么说-telegraphic language



意思 电报telegram 一含义n 电报 vt 向 发电报 二用法 telegram用作名词表示“电报”,是用电信号传递文字图表等的通信方式,为可数名词,与不定冠词a连用可以表示“一份电报”telegram的意思是“。


Telegraph平台中文怎么说-telegraphic language


2ATT公司 ATT公司英语ATT Inc,原为American Telephone Telegraph的缩写,也是中文译名美国电话电报公司由来,但近年来已不用全名,是一家美国电信公司,美国第二大移动运营商,创建于1877年,曾长期垄断美国长途。


为避免混淆,下文中Telegraph如果表示网站则用全程,表示内容则用T表示,类似于推特是一个网站同时也能代表发表在推特上的一条内容,“发推特”简称“发推”以下测试及截图录像均在Microsoft Edge简称ME和浏览器Chrome。

Telegraph平台中文怎么说-telegraphic language


已担任了20多年大学顾问的Joyce Slayton Mitchell说“我们大学也没有设置进入的分数限制你作为学生会的副主席从中学到了什么,你从绘画打篮球等活动中学到了什么,等等,这些能够把你与其他申请者区别开来,并显示出你。


2 after succeeding in landing on George Island, the captain to command method of a wireless telegraph3 and he is determined to continue his experiment, but this time he will use another way to do4 when。

1We have a good number of spot supplies of men#39s leather shoes ,and it#39s great pleasure for us to quote for you take interest in our quotation,pls confirm it by telegraph before the end。

have invented the electric light, telegraph, gramophone, film machine, magnetic force and analysed more than 2,000 kinds of things of total such as the ore machine, crushing machine together in all one#39s lif。

You can enjoy the splendid shops, the view from Telegraph Hill, the houses with fountains and garden You can also look at the Stage Coach, a familiar sight from Western films, which is in the window of the Wells。

19 The first time that the question ldquo What is at the bottom of the oceans?rdquo had to be answered with any commercial consequence was when the laying of a telegraph cable from Europe to America。


No need of the as yet undreamed of telegraph the tale flew from man to man , from group to group , from house to house , with pttle less than telegraphic speed 根本用不著什么电报当时人们连做梦。



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